Fonio-ginger pan

Fonio-Ingwer-Pfanne Read for 1 minute

100g fonio
200ml water
an onion
a clove of garlic
A piece of ginger (approx. 6cm)
Half a carrot
3 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp peanut butter
100ml vegetable stock
3 tsp chilli powder
2 teaspoons rose-hot paprika powder
1 tsp curry powder
Pinch of cumin
Kidney beans
Parsley for sprinkling

First cook the fonio according to the instructions.
The fresh ingredients are then chopped into small pieces in a blender or with a knife and fried in a pan in a little oil.
The tomato paste is then added and briefly fried.
Add the spices and peanut butter and mix everything well.
Then deglaze with broth, simmer briefly and finally add the fonio and kidney beans and fry briefly.